Homes & Gardens: How many pictures should you hang on a wall?

6 golden rules for finding the magic number.

To help you achieve the perfect picture placement for the wall decor in your home, we ask the experts for their top styling tips.

Featured in Home & Gardens | Article by Zara Stacey

Artwork can truly make all the difference in helping an interior design to feel rich with eye-catching character and unique, personal style.

But how many pictures should you hang on a wall? Ultimately, when decorating with art, the right number can vary depending on a whole host of factors, such as the size of the room, your chosen artwork, and the overall look and style you are trying to create.

'When deciding on how many pictures you should hang on a wall, there will always be so many variables to consider. How high are the ceilings? How long is the wall? Is it in a transitional space like a hallway? Or the focal point of a room? How big are the pictures? What is your general aesthetic?' Say interior designers, Trish Knight and Nicole Varga, founders of Knight Varga Interiors.


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